ASCP Skin Deep


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Get coverage for your equipment on- and off-site! More at 23 ASCP ADVOCACY I WAS IN MY EARLY 30S when I met my wife, Kate. It was somewhat of an unfortunate time to meet someone for the fi rst time (especially someone I was trying to impress). What they don't tell you about your 30s: Acne can resurface— and it did for me. Suddenly, many of my teenage anxieties rushed back. For one reason or another, Kate decided to give me a chance. For many reasons, this was my good luck. But in the short term, my luck would have it that my new girlfriend was attending esthetics classes and was more than happy to help me fi gure out a solution to my old friend, acne. I started noticing it clearing up after a few days. A few weeks later, I was acne-free. This was my fi rst foray into understanding the skin care world. I grew up in and live in Colorado, so I'm adamant about using lotion and lip balm—but that was the extent of my skin care routine. With Kate in my life, I received a crash course in exfoliation, oils, and proper shaving techniques (my dad incorrectly taught me). My skin had never been so happy. I'm now the new government relations director for Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP). Given my relative newness to skin care and esthetics, my vision for government relations with ASCP is simple: Lean on the experts from the fi eld . . . you. Government works best when it's closest to the people, or so the old saying goes. To me, that means I'm here to support and empower you by gathering and digesting regulations, laws, and any proposed changes to them. Elevating Your Voice by Lance Hostetter

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