ASCP Skin Deep


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Get coverage for your equipment on- and off-site! More at 21 EPISODE 220 "Chemical Peels for Ethnic Skin with Pamela Springer" Chemical peels are commonly used for fast results and minimal downtime. They are considered safe and eff ective when used properly and the client's skin has been appropriately prepped and patch tested. But estheticians without proper training still face challenges when using peels on ethnic skin. In this episode of ASCP Esty Talk, Maggie talks with Pamela Springer about selecting the right peeling agent for your client's skin type, common clinical implications, and where estheticians go wrong. peels-ethnic-skin-pamela-springer EPISODE 222 "The Rogue Pharmacist: Synthetic vs. Natural Cosmetic Ingredients" People often assume synthetic substances are inherently bad while natural substances are harmless, but this couldn't be further from the truth. In this episode of The Rogue Pharmacist, host Benjamin Knight Fuchs explains that it doesn't matter whether a substance is synthesized or natural—what matters is whether the substance is recognized by the skin. natural-cosmetic-ingredients ON THE WEB ASCP Education "Microcurrent for Pro-Aging" Did you miss ASCP's 2023 Fall Education Summit about pro- aging? ASCP members can access free replays in the on-demand education library. This session, led by Annet King, VP of business development for Bio-Therapeutic, explores adding tools and ingredients to your business to support energetic, healthy skin at any age. education/webinars/2023- ascp-fall-education-summit/ microcurrent-pro-aging ASCP Blog "Not All Acne Is the Same" There are many types of acne and acne-like conditions, but the most prevalent type is acne vulgaris. This is a condition caused when a hair follicle is blocked by dead skin cells, sebum, and bacteria. Find out more about this type and other types of acne so you can give your client's skin what it needs and deserves. blog-posts/not-all-acne-same "Crafting a No-Show Policy for Your Spa" Time in the treatment room is valuable, and time equals money. The dreaded no-show can cost you the money you've factored into your day. But providing a smooth scheduling process and implementing a cancellation policy can benefi t you in the long run. So how do you do it, and what does that look like? This blog post gives you a closer look. blog-posts/crafting-no-show-policy- your-spa Scan here to watch Scan here to read Scan here to read Scan to listen Scan to listen ASCP Esty Talk Podcast

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