ASCP Skin Deep


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and up are available as either a change to a client's existing treatment plan or as an investment in their skin care goals. Having diversity in your services, price points, and demographics contributes to consistent bookings, repeat business, and referrals for growth. What could you do with a bigger client base? Do you have a vision for your future skin care clinic? BE CONSISTENT IN EVERYTHING Let's face it: We are all guided by the clock. Clients rely on scheduled appointments because they have busy lives. They don't care if you or your kids are sick. They don't care how bad the traffi c is. They simply expect you to be reliable and punctual, and they expect their service to be exceptional. Consistency is not only expected in your schedule, it's also a vital component to the products you use and techniques you employ in your practice. To be clear, you can evolve and improve; but it must be done in considerate and relevant ways, and the client should have the opportunity to choose or agree with the change. We may fi nd a new product, essential oil, or tool that is exciting to us, but our clients may not share our enthusiasm. Give them time to become aware of the new service in your marketing and communications, and allow them to choose when they are ready for it—with your consistent and kind suggestions, of course. YOUR FRESH START The new year is symbolic for renewing ourselves and starting fresh. Let's do it together with small, attainable goals. But before you start, take 20 minutes out of your day to think about your role as a skin care professional. Why did you choose this path? Where do you want it to take you? Journal these thoughts so you can build on them. In the meantime, start with the smallest nugget of improvement: a detailed skin assessment. This practice will allow you to reconnect with your clients in a professional way. When, as professionals, we get comfortable and casual, we risk losing credibility and relevance in their lives. Remember, you don't need to reinvent your business with "things." You only need to self-refl ect on the experiences and practices that make you a better esthetician. Get coverage for your equipment on- and off-site! More at 77

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