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Get coverage for your equipment on- and off-site! More at 51 1 2 3 10 Ways to Renew Your Career Passion by Crystal Ochemba 10 WAYS AS YOU ADVANCE IN YOUR CAREER, there may be times when you fi nd yourself not as passionate about your job as you once were. Or maybe you're feeling overwhelmed and burned out, which could cause a temporary but overwhelming loss of passion for your career. If you're feeling stuck, stressed, discouraged, or in need of a boost of motivation, here are 10 ways to renew your career passion. Set Specifi c Goals. Goal setting in small increments is a great start to reigniting your career passion. Setting goals helps you clarify your purpose and reevaluate where you are. The key to goal setting is to start small, be specifi c, and set a deadline. Start by questioning yourself: What do you want in the near future? Maybe you desire more money, more time, or more freedom. Ask yourself what action steps you should take to achieve this goal. Additionally, ask yourself what you are truly passionate about. The answer to this question could lead your career in a new, inspiring direction. Seek Out Education. Furthering your education with advanced courses and niche conferences helps expand your knowledge. Bonus: Attending conferences helps you connect with like-minded people who enjoy the same topics and techniques. Having conversations with them might help you decide what you're truly excited about in the industry. Listen to Podcasts. Podcasts provide listeners with a wealth of knowledge and insight. Do not be afraid to listen to podcasts outside your direct industry as well. Sometimes, the ideas and topics discussed are applicable to your career. For example, if you're an esthetician, try listening to podcasts that are related to hair or marketing. You can fi nd inspiration from their topics, stories, and challenges. Of course, we hope you're listening to ASCP Esty Talk with hosts Maggie Staszcuk and ASCP Skin Deep columnist Ella Cressman each week ( Read Books. Like podcasts, books expose you to more education and experiences you might not encounter every day. Remember to read about general topics outside beauty, such as business, self-help, and motivational biographies. Your goal is to escape the present and reignite your fl ame. 4 Read Books. 4 Read Books. education and experiences you might not encounter 4 education and experiences you might not encounter every day. Remember to read about general topics 4 every day. Remember to read about general topics