ASCP Skin Deep


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88 ASCP Skin Deep Autumn 2024 ESTY PROTOCOLS The Skin Barrier and Menopause ADDRESSING MENOPAUSAL SKIN EFFECTS WITH PROFESSIONAL AND AT-HOME TREATMENTS by Hale & Hush MENOPAUSE MARKS A SIGNIFICANT TRANSITION, bringing with it a host of physiological changes that profoundly impact the skin. The decline in estrogen and progesterone levels plays a pivotal role in altering skin texture, appearance, and overall health. In the beginning stages of menopause, the decrease in estrogen levels has a notable effect on the skin's barrier function. Estrogen helps the skin retain moisture. Its decline during menopause often leads to increased dryness and sensitivity, leaving the skin more susceptible to irritation. This hormonal shift can exacerbate existing skin conditions or make the skin more reactive to products previously used without issue. One of the most significant changes during menopause is the drastic reduction in collagen production, with research showing up to a 30 percent decrease in collagen levels during the first five years.1 Collagen is essential for skin elasticity and firmness, and its reduction contributes to the development of sagging, wrinkles, and a loss of structural support. As estrogen and progesterone levels drop, the skin also becomes thinner, making it more prone to damage and bruising. This thinning effect is particularly evident in areas where the skin is already delicate, such as around the eyes and mouth.

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