ASCP Skin Deep


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Expand your menu safely with ASCP's Advanced Esthetics Insurance at 31 SKIN PHYSIOLOGY Limited Exposure to Harmful Substances Blue zone inhabitants are also less likely to use harmful substances, like tobacco, recreational drugs, and excessive alcohol consumption. These habits, known to accelerate skin aging, are largely absent from these communities. However, in contrast to excessive alcohol consumption, Buettner suggests moderate alcohol consumption may contribute to longevity. According to Buettner's research, moderate drinkers (who consume no more than two glasses per day) outlive nondrinkers.2 INCORPORATING BLUE ZONE PRINCIPLES FOR RADIANT SKIN Chances are, you probably don't live in a blue zone. But you can certainly adopt and educate your clients on some of the blue zones' principles for healthier skin. Encourage Antioxidant and Vitamin Intake A balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provides essential nutrients for skin health. According to free radical theory, lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, and infl ammation are the primary causes of skin aging, disease, and dysfunction.3 Although recommending diet changes is out of your scope of practice, recommending topical application of antioxidants and vitamins can help your clients fi ght free radical damage and skin infl ammation, promote collagen synthesis, and prevent premature aging. Optimize Their Physical Activity Regular, moderate exercise can help your clients improve their blood fl ow, promote cell turnover, and maintain a balanced complexion. Suggest they reach out to their physician for tailored advice on physical activity. You can recommend they stay vigilant in using a broad spectrum SPF daily, especially when exercising outdoors, to prevent damage from ultraviolet rays. Zinc oxide, a physical SPF, is broad spectrum, hypoallergenic, nonirritating, reef-safe, and has anti-infl ammatory properties. Check Your Client's Stress Check in on your client's stress levels by asking them, on a scale of 1 to 10, what their stress level has been the last month. Start your services by asking your client to take three deep breaths and incorporating relaxation into treatments. Encourage your clients to journal about their stress to see if there is a correlation with their skin concerns. Additionally, encourage them to cultivate strong relationships with family and friends to promote mental well-being, which in turn contributes to healthier skin. Help Them Repair Skin from Harmful Habits If your client wants to quit smoking and/or excessive alcohol consumption, both of which can accelerate skin aging, refer them to a specialist who can help them curb their habits. For skin care treatments and at-home routines, resveratrol, a polyphenol found in red wine, can be used for its powerful antioxidants and anti-infl ammatory properties. This makes it ideal for repairing the skin and preventing further damage. LIVING LONGER WITH BETTER SKIN The blue zone lifestyle off ers a blueprint for achieving radiant skin from the inside out. By adopting their dietary habits, prioritizing physical activity, managing stress, nurturing social connections, and avoiding harmful substances, your clients can unlock the secret to a better complexion. The path to healthy skin begins with the choices we make every day. Notes 1. Bruce McEwen, "Brain on Stress: How the Social Environment Gets Under the Skin," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, supplement 2 (October 2012): 17180–5, 2. Dan Buettner, "Power 9: Reverse Engineering Longevity," accessed August 2024, 3. Changwei Cao et al., "Diet and Skin Aging—From the Perspective of Food Nutrition," Nutrients 12, no. 3 (March 2020): 870,

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