ASCP Skin Deep


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Page 41 of 68 39 I f you take a look at 10 different spa menus, you'll notice uncanny similarities. Let's face it—in our service industry, there are certain things we all offer in the same way: facials, massages, body treatments, and the like. However, if you want to grow your business (and who doesn't?), you have to find a way to rise above the crowd. In other words, you need to go beyond the basic treatments and services everyone offers and get creative. It isn't about product and it's not about offering everything under the sun—it's about being innovative enough to consistently highlight your unique talents and strengths. All too often, spas get into a static model of management and become afraid of "fixing what ain't broke," so they stagnate. On the other hand, some businesses offer too much change and not enough consistency to create customer loyalty. The goal is to find a nice balance between having a core group of services and sales methods, and enough newness and change to offer excitement. To do this, focus on a growth mind-set. With your growth mind-set, remember why you got into this industry in the first place—to solve problems. We're in the business of solving problems; from acne to aging, skin discoloration to stress—we offer clients solutions that work. Think about the problems you can solve better than anyone else and how you'll use those solutions to break the mold on services and retail. Follow these five foolproof steps. STEP 1: DON'T IMITATE—INNOVATE! While imitation is the highest form of flattery, realize that you'll have to step out of the well-worn comfort zone many spas fall into and add a little pizzazz to your standbys. The goal is to be different from the competition. What is your signature service? Don't have one? Create one. You can do this easily with "value-added" items, such as a stone massage segment for a facial, a reflexology hand treatment, an eye rejuvenation mask—you get the idea? Whatever you add, make it a "wow" treatment the client feels is worth paying for, but then don't charge for it; instead, highlight it as a gift for the month. The key here is to offer your core services with a new little twist. Who would ever forget the complimentary foot washing at the Mandarin Oriental Spa or a pedicure that features the exact same exquisite 10-minute leg massage from any technician on any given day? Think about your starts and finishes—this is where you can be creatively unique, without losing the value of your skills from a mainstay treatment. Whatever you add, make it a "wow" treatment the client feels is worth paying for, but then don't charge for it; instead, highlight it as a gift of the month.

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