ASCP Skin Deep

Student Skin Deep 2023

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Get a discount when you upgrade to Professional membership today! 47 People close to me respect and understand the importance of skin care. I have friends who are not connected to my work with whom I relax and socialize. I get together informally with at least one colleague to discuss work-related issues. I have a mentor or teacher whom I consult with, or I am a mentor. I receive esthetics services from someone who has more experience than I do. I plan to attend workshops and classes to be with other estheticians, learn new things, and renew my enthusiasm for my work. How Is Your Self-Care? Take the quiz Forming good habits as you start practicing will give you the foundation for a long and rewarding career. Answer the following questions, then add up your total points to see how your routine stacks up. I spend time in a healthy activity that nourishes and replenishes me. I receive massage, bodywork, or other services to address pain and/or relieve stress. I'm always cognizant of my body mechanics when working with clients. I am mindful about how much screen time I consume on a daily basis. I have a balanced, nutritious diet and avoid fast foods and sugary drinks. I have good personal and professional boundaries. I'VE TAKEN PLANNED VACATION TIME IN THE LAST YEAR FOR . . . 14 days or more (4 points) 7 to 13 days (3 points) 4 to 6 days (2 points) 1 to 3 days (1 point) 0 days (0 points) Rate how true each of these statements is. s s/s 41–52 points: Excellent. You're doing a great job of taking care of yourself. Keep up the good work! 31–40 points: Very good. You take good care of yourself, but might want to work on improving the areas where you received a low score. 21–30 points Doing OK. To avoid malaise, you might want to add some extra self-care and/or fun to your life. 11–20 points Not so good. You're probably on a path to burnout. Consider bringing some more nurturing and support into your life. 0–10 points Danger zone! If you're not burned out now, you soon will be. Consider taking a little time o . SCORING Very true Mostly true Neutral Mostly not true Not true 4 3 2 1 0 }

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