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Head of
the Class
Why continuing
education is the key to
success after school
by Lauren Snow
THE SKIN CARE INDUSTRY IS rapidly changing, and with new
developments in technology, ingredients, and treatments,
estheticians must stay sharp and inspired if they strive for
long-term success.
Continuing education options in the beauty industry are
seemingly endless, from trade show classes and manufacturer
education to certifications for equipment or modalities and
professional development opportunities. There is undoubtedly
something for everyone at every stage of their career.
The term continuing education means different things to
different people. On one hand, it could mean a college course
on business management; on the other, it could be as simple as
learning an additional skill or even taking time to listen to a
marketing podcast. There's no right or wrong way to continue
your education after you're done with school, as long as you meet
your goals to grow.