ASCP Skin Deep

Student Skin Deep 2023

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Get a discount when you upgrade to Professional membership today! 21 as professionals to recommend skin care products to our clients. The lesson? This part of the job ensures lasting results for our work. And those results will be your walking advertisement when your client leaves and does their at-home routine. Instead of waiting until checkout to recommend a product, start the moment they sit down for the consultation. When you use a product, ask them what they think and talk them through the bene ts. It's as easy as saying, "Which one of these will you be taking home today?" I didn't give my clients the option to say no, and it worked. (Read more about this on page 28.) PRIORITIZE YOUR EDUCATION Putting my education rst helped me build and maintain my clientele long term. Every chance I had, I attended trade shows, learned about new products, and educated myself about the bene ts of ingredients. The more education I received, the more I could educate my clients on what to use and why. By continuing your education, you can stay in the loop of new trends, devices, and products. This industry is always changing, so just because you learn how to do something one way doesn't mean there won't be an easier or better way in the future. STOP WAITING AROUND Remember, keep grinding and putting your name out there. With social media, it's especially easy to show the world what you're capable of. Don't just sit around waiting for people to walk in the door and hope that when they do, they return to you. Put in the e ort to make them want to return. Liz Kline is the program director for Associated Hair Professionals and a frequent contributor to ASCP Skin Deep magazine. Read more content written specifi cally for estheticians on the ASCP blog at /

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