ASCP Skin Deep

Student Skin Deep 2023

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Get a discount when you upgrade to Professional membership today! 19 An Insider's Guide to Growing Your Clientele The hustle is real, but it'll pay off by Liz Kline WHEN I STARTED MY CAREER, social media didn't exist. I didn't have the luxury of posting before-and-after photos, using hashtags to promote myself, or asking people to follow my page. So, I did the next best thing—I hustled. This is a customer-service industry, and there can be dozens of spas, solo estheticians, and medi-spas within a 10-mile radius. I started out doing a lot of discounted work if a client referred people or told their friends about me. I passed out business cards and struck up a conversation with everyone I ran into, including restaurant servers, bartenders, and people next to me in line at the store. I was passionate about it, but I also wanted to make my career sustainable. Here are some ways I built my book and how you can too. START WITH A GREAT CONSULTATION When clients began to schedule appointments, I made sure they rebooked. Part of that process was building rapport and offering great customer service, starting with the consultation. You want to have a good dialogue with clients— educate them, but also listen to their needs and goals. Above all, be honest with them. If they want a service that won't work for their needs, suggest an alternative. Remember—every client is unique. LOOK AND ACT PROFESSIONAL When I first started, looking the part was important to me (it still is). My hair was done, my nails were well manicured, and I always wore a smile. It's also important to keep your conversation professional. Leave your personal life at the door. There's no need for your clients to know if you're having a bad day. This is their time to relax and enjoy the experience, not to listen to your grievances. BE EMPOWERED TO SELL Some estheticians may think a product price is too high or feel like a salesperson if they try to push retail. I went to a continuing education class that revolved around selling retail and why it's our job

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