ASCP Skin Deep

Student Skin Deep 2023

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10 ASCP Skin Deep Student Edition ENTERING THE PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY WORLD comes with many exciting prospects. What services will you offer? What energy will you bring to your clients? What will your catchy Instagram handle be? But the fun decisions are also tied to the more serious ones, like whether you want to work as a full-time employee or rent a suite. There are no right or wrong answers here; every esthetician has different needs, and no two people have the same ideal work conditions. But if you're on the fence about the best path forward for your beauty career, consider these pros and cons of becoming an employee or renting a suite for your beauty business. EMPLOYEE PROS There's Value in Security Working full time as a spa employee often means full-time benefits. While certain benefits like unemployment insurance are required by federal law, others—like health, dental, or vision insurance—are at the discretion of the company. Still, steady paychecks, automatically deducted taxes, and security benefits are invaluable. The Experience Is Priceless Signing on as an employee means getting a feel for what an established business is really like. You'll gain crucial experience working with seasoned professionals and, if applicable, insight into what you do or do not want in your own business down the road. There's No Need to Sweat the Extra Stuff It's likely that marketing, social media, and website management is handled by the spa owner (or someone solely dedicated to it). Your services will still get exposure, but there's no pressure of having to market yourself by yourself. Moreover, To Suite or Not to Suite Determining your career path as a new esthetician by Erica Buehler

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