ASCP Skin Deep

September | October 2019

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ascp now offers advanced modality insurance! 59 Brazilian hair removal is one of the most popular spa treatments, presenting the esthetician with a great opportunity to demonstrate their expertise in proper skin care and technique—and exponentially grow their business. The two most important factors in creating an effective and relaxing bikini and Brazilian waxing service are including skin care ingredients in the wax and using proper products pre- and post-wax. Brazilian waxing can be an uncomfortable treatment that may result in side effects like irritation and ingrown hairs. This can make wearing a swimsuit impossible for at least 24 hours after the treatment. Borrowing from the most effective facial treatments, the newest Brazilian waxing treatments make the experience more comfortable and effective by using potent, natural ingredients to soothe and restore the sensitive area before and after the waxing treatment to help reduce redness and prevent ingrown hairs. These extra steps add a luxurious twist to the treatment, and your client will be ready to hit the beach or pool immediately after without any telltale signs of redness or irritation. Let's look at how developing a spa-like treatment for this procedure will create a more enjoyable experience for the client. MOST CLIENTS EXPECT A BRAZILIAN WAX TO BE A FORM OF NECESSARY TORTURE, BUT THERE ARE WAYS TO MAKE IT AN ENJOYABLE TREATMENT by Lydia Sarfati A relaxing WAX

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