ASCP Skin Deep

September | October 2019

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ascp now offers advanced modality insurance! 45 expertadvice MIND YOUR BUSINESS Feel overwhelmed by your marketing to-do list? You don't have to block off huge chunks of time for extended marketing marathons! Create marketing moments during short gaps in your schedule and cross off some of the quicker tasks on your list. Here are 15 marketing projects you can do in 15 minutes or less. And I bet once you read this list, you'll think of at least 15 more! 1. Brainstorm ideas for a new marketing campaign to promote an underselling product or service. 2. Call someone to thank them for being wonderful—your most consistent client, a professional colleague who refers often, etc. 3. Donate a gift card (or two!) to a local nonprofit to support their cause and mission. 4. Expand your networking squad: Sign up for your chamber of commerce's next event or join a new Meetup group. 5. Identify three local businesses that are a fit for a mutually beneficial co-marketing collaboration (like offering a combined gift package with a massage studio and a hair salon). 6. Identify three local businesses that are a fit for a business-to-business (B2B) selling relationship (like buying your gift cards for their employees or clients). 7. Inspect the calendar for an upcoming seasonal holiday to create a marketing promotion around. 8. Jot down five ideas for future blog posts so you're prepped for your next writing session. 9. Post a before-and-after photo story to your website and social platforms. 10. Scan your treatment room: Is it time to refresh the marketing messages clients see during every visit? 11. Search the web for an inspirational quote to use in your next self-designed image for social media. Marketing Moments 15 marketing projects you can do in 15 minutes or less by Kristin Coverly 12. Start a targeted social media paid promotion to increase gift card sales (paid promotions are often inexpensive and easy to set up). 13. Visit websites and social media platforms to get inspired by what estheticians are up to in other parts of the country. 14. Update the language and/or image on one of your website pages: welcome, bio, or service descriptions. 15. Write five new call-to-action statements (like "Buy a gift card!" or "Upgrade to a deluxe facial!") to incorporate into your marketing messages.

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