ASCP Skin Deep


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Contents of this Issue


Page 5 of 84 3 features 54 stimulating the senses Create happy clients by combining natural facials with massage by Lydia Sarfati 62 the power of botanicals See how science is providing proof of the effectiveness of herbs in skin care by Cindy Jones, PhD 70 what's in your wax? Learn how wax ingredients work and how to choose the right one by Crickett Enos beautybuzz 15 products 19 industry news 21 cosmo report 22 esty talk 25 places to be ascp & you 79 benefits 80 i am ascp expertadvice 29 feed your face Get super skin with these 5 superfoods by Alex Caspero 35 skin solutions Natural ingredients: facts and fallacies by Mark Lees, PhD 39 replenish How sleep (or lack of it) affects your health by Lynn Parentini 44 ingredients The pros and cons of peptides by Danné Montague-King 47 business basics Refresh and declutter all aspects of your business by Kristin Coverly contents march/april 2018 29 47 54

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