ASCP Skin Deep


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Page 5 of 76 3 features 50 puffy isn't pretty Learn the signs of—and, more importantly, the solutions for—inflammation by Howard Murad 56 smooth sailing Simple ways to help waxing clients combat ingrown hairs by Crickett Enos 62 flower power Incorporating flower waters into services can add a soothing essence to your spa by Cindy Jones beautybuzz 17 products 21 industry news 23 esty talk 25 calendar ascp & you 71 benefits 72 i am ascp expertadvice 29 feed your face Why good internal health equals good skin by Alex Caspero 33 skin solutions Addressing the body's common skin issues by Mark Lees 38 modalities Galvanic current can be effective from head to toe by Susanne Schmaling 41 mind your business It's time to create a year- end thank-you plan by Kristin Coverly 50 contents november/december 2017 62 25

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