Issue link: 21 beautybuzz ESTY TALK Queue the Applause What's the most memorable compliment you've received about your services? As my client sat up after her one-hour facial, she said, "If everyone could have that kind of facial, there'd be no war or fi ghting—I'm totally at peace right now." I thought it was very sweet. Kathy Svoboda, Esthetics by Kathy, Round Rock, TX One of my clients bought her husband a gift certifi cate for his very fi rst facial. After the treatment was over, I asked him how he felt about his fi rst facial. He replied, "God bless your hands, Miss Debbie." Something so simple, but it made me feel so wonderful. It always puts a smile on my face when my clients are happy. Debbie McLaughlin, Face & Body Bar, Winter Springs, FL I had a client who was going through a rough time in her life, and during our treatment she began to cry. Afterward, she was so embarrassed she had a hard time looking me in the eye. I tried to comfort her and just be kind, but when she left I never expected to see her again. She came back two months later and said that my kindness made her feel comfortable enough to come back. Tami Patton, Massage Envy, Chino, CA A client once told me the facial was like "a beautiful ballet." I was speechless. AmyJo Wavinak, Serenity Spa, Minneapolis, MN "The best facial I ever had, where I can tell you know what you are doing," not just from one client, but from several. This is the reward when I take time to know my clients' skin, develop a connection through touch, and implement the right treatment technique using the most appropriate skin care product. Glenora Luz, Glenora Facial and Body Care, Mount Prospect, IL "This truly was the best facial I have ever had! I love how I can completely relax, not think—an out- of-body experience. Plus, my skin feels amazing!" Another client had tears of joy when I was fi nished. Deb Shanks, Face Yourself Skincare, Highlands Ranch, CO Answer our next question: How did you discover you wanted to be an esthetician? Email your answer to Your answer could appear in the May/June 2017 issue and may be edited for length and clarity. From an acne client: "My experience here has been miraculous!" Can't do better than "miraculous!" Nondy Llewellyn, Bakers eld Acne Care & Skin Therapy, Bakersfi eld, CA »