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N eed a kick-start to develop the perfect rebooking script? Felicia Brown offers a few examples that you can turn into your own. SAMPLE SCRIPT FOR IDENTIFYING YOUR CLIENTS' NEEDS Ask all of your clients what they need or want from their appointment at the beginning of each session. Then, do your best to fulfill their requests and serve their needs. You: It's wonderful to see you again, Heather. Let's chat for a minute before we begin your session. Client: Sure. You: I know you usually get a facial and bikini wax when you come in. Is there any reason you decided not to schedule both this time? Client: I am really rushed today and only have time for the facial. In fact, I really don't have time for that. You: OK, Heather. I'm so glad you told me that you were in a hurry. Would it be helpful to you if we finished a few minutes early? Client: That would be great. Can we do that without much trouble? You: Sure. I'd be glad to shorten or skip the facial massage and masking time today if that would help you get out on time. Client: You know, that sounds great. I didn't know I could shorten those steps. You: Yes, you can. The next time I see you I'll be glad to do some extra massage during your facial. Now let's get started! SAMPLE SCRIPT FOR EXPLAINING THE BENEFITS OF YOUR SERVICE Make a list of the benefits of each of the services you offer and begin telling all clients about those benefits and why they should come in regularly. You: David, since this is your first facial at Spa Ti Da, I just want to see if you have any questions about what I will be doing in the facial or about the benefits. Client: Actually, I am curious about the benefits of getting facials. I've had one before, and it felt good. But I'm not sure what getting a facial really does. You: One of the biggest benefits of facials comes from the facial massage, which aids in circulation. Massage during a facial also helps to relax the facial muscles while improving lymphatic drainage. This reduces puffiness and swelling in the face and may also help to slow the onset of wrinkles. Of course, depending on your skin type and concerns, I'll also use high-quality products that address your needs and goals. And of course as you mentioned, it feels great, which I think is the biggest benefit of all. Client: Wow. I had no idea a facial did so much. You: Yes, a facial does a lot for you. Most clients tell us they can really see a difference in their skin when they get regular facials. They use it for personal maintenance, just like you would for your car by getting regular oil changes. A facial every once in a while is good, but one every month or so is even better. SAMPLE SCRIPT FOR ASKING CLIENTS TO REBOOK AFTER THE APPOINTMENT Begin asking all of your clients if they would like to schedule their next appointment before they leave. Don't be shy ... you can do it! You: How are you feeling, Jennifer? Client: Wow. That facial was great. I feel wonderful. You: Oh, I am so glad to hear that. Here is some water for you. Client: Thank you. You: Jennifer, you mentioned earlier when you checked in that you wanted to start getting facials regularly. Would you like to schedule your next appointment while you're here? Client: Sure. I'd like to come back in about a month. You: Perfect. Four weeks from today is Friday, February 26. Allison, who you saw today, could see you for a Custom Facial at 2:00 or 3:30. Which would you prefer? Client: I'll take the 3:30 slot. You: Thanks, Jennifer. That's Friday, February 26 at 3:30 for a Custom Facial. If anything comes up or changes, please be sure to give at least 24-hours notice. Client: No problem. I'll see you then. You: Great. Have a great day! Flip the script For more great tips and advice about client retention, visit or Don't wait for your client to rebookâask for the next appointment