Issue link: 19 beautybuzz ESTY TALK Constructive Criticism How do you talk to clients who are obviously not following your home-care advice? When I have a client who is not following the home-care regimen, I see that as a sign something is not working. During the consultation, I'll ask them what they like about their regimen and what they don't. Whether the issue is cost, time, or results, their answers are the clues to improving their experience. I also think it's important to be well-versed in a wide array of products (including lower-price-point retail items) so that you can build trust through honest recommendations. After clients begin to see results, you can educate them on the importance of using professional products. Richard Merrill-Rivas, The Bicycle Hotel Spa, Bell Gardens, CA I tell them, "Would you go to the dentist for a teeth cleaning and go home and not brush your teeth? Same wisdom applies for your skin if you want optimal results." Susan Thyer Thrush, Skin Care Matters, Greenwood Village, CO I think the first topic to discuss is the why: Why aren't they following your advice? Then the what—as in, what are you trying to achieve? Explain consistency is key; reeducate and work on shorter- term goals. Try to keep an open line of communication with them—even when no service is booked—until they either understand and commit or quit. Sometimes you have to take baby steps until they see results. Joy Papaioannou, ChooseJoy! Skin, New York, NY I remind them that my recommendations are customized for their individual skin care goals and straying from the regimen will hinder results. I also keep a treatment plan for clients and review it with them each visit. I encourage them to stay on track and to protect their skin care investment by doing their homework. They appreciate the follow-up and determination toward the common goal. Lisa Marie Waters, Beauty & Esthetics by Lisa, Glendora, CA We go over a troubleshooting form if they're not seeing results. Before they begin the program, they initial and sign a form saying they will follow instructions. This is all discussed in their initial consultation. Nondy Llewellyn, Nondy Llewellyn Skin Care, Bakersfield, CA Answer our next question: What's the most unique service on your treatment menu? Email your answer to Your answer could appear in the September/October 2016 issue and may be edited for length and clarity. I tell them: "If you go to the gym once a month, you will not get six-pack abs." Skin care is the same; you need to have a daily routine to achieve results. A.J. Grossman, The Skin and Lash Lady, Fort Lauderdale, FL