ASCP Skin Deep


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Protect your practice with the gold standard in liability coverage at 45 BEYOND TREATMENT Transforming Your Business Through Video How to reach new clients online and keep them engaged by Joshua Maniscalco WHETHER YOU FOCUS ON SKIN, wax, lash, makeup, or any niche in between, video content in our industry is a must. While we may love a good infographic or funny meme, video captures attention quicker and keeps your viewer hooked longer. It also helps them get to know your vibe so they'll buy from you or book with you. Video can give you the most reach, especially when you have a strategy. Instagram and TikTok prioritize nonfollowers. The more people who see your content, the better odds you have of snagging a new client. I had been an esthetician for about 15 years before learning about social media as a marketing tool. For a while, most of my posts were static images or text, but they barely reached friends and family. The most important thing I've learned: Video is king and static posts are out. Ultimately, video transformed my business (and my mindset). Here's the strategy I used to make that happen. STEP 1: BRAINSTORMING Let's talk about where to find inspiration. If your goal is to get new clients and sell your services or products, you need to show clients what service to book or which product to buy. Let's start with your favorite service to perform or a favorite product you'd like to sell. If you genuinely love something, it will make the creative process more fun. I was recently inspired by a new chemical peel line called Linder Health. The brand speaks about "zombie" (senescent) cells in their educational videos—that caught my attention. In the first three seconds of my Reel I asked, "What are zombie skin cells?" I answered the question with a voice-over and showed the process of the chemical peel. STEP 2: WRITING A SCRIPT A script doesn't have to be complicated. Think of it as a guide to keep you on track and your messaging clear. Something useful I learned in film school was GETTY IMAGES

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