ASCP Skin Deep


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Protect your practice with the gold standard in liability coverage at 31 A Close-Up Look at Cosmetic Injectables Understanding neurotoxins, fillers, and alternatives by Mark Lees The drug is injected into muscles that are involved in specific facial expressions, often in the forehead and eye areas. Due to the drug's paralyzing effects, the muscles are unable to contract and therefore can't produce the movements that cause expression wrinkles on the forehead, on the bridge of the nose, and around the eyes. A softening and reduced appearance of these lines and wrinkles usually lasts between three and six months, so injections must be repeated. FILLERS Fillers are substances injected into or below the skin. They help plump and support the skin and can smooth the look of wrinkles and depressed scars. Fillers can also be used to plump and enlarge lips and make lip lines look smoother and more youthful. Fillers can also be used to produce a lifting effect on a face suffering from loss of volume in the skin due to collagen degradation from aging or sun damage. Fillers are injected into specific places in the facial skin to reduce the look of sagging and to recreate younger-looking facial contours. COSMETIC SKIN INJECTABLES ARE DRUGS injected into the skin to alter its appearance. Primarily used for making aging skin look younger, there are many types of injectables that have different applications for correcting or mitigating the appearance of signs of aging or other facial imperfections that concern clients. Curious about what's going on under the surface of the skin and what alternative solutions you can provide your clients? Let's examine your options. NEUROTOXINS Neurotoxins are biochemicals that cause toxic effects to the nervous system. Botulinum neurotoxin is produced by clostridium botulinum, a bacterium that causes botulism, a serious medical condition in which the botulinum neurotoxin paralyzes muscles in the body. This neurotoxin can also be chemically modified in the laboratory to produce a drug commonly known as Botox. Botox Cosmetic (a brand name) was originally used to treat blepharospasms in the eyelid. In cosmetic dermatology and plastic surgery, it can be used to temporarily paralyze muscles that cause repeated facial movements that result in facial expression lines and wrinkles. Other brand names using the same neurotoxin or similar ones include Xeomin, Dysport, Jeuveau, and Daxxify. SKIN PHYSIOLOGY GETTY IMAGES

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