ASCP Skin Deep


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Protect your practice with the gold standard in liability coverage at 13 W e have a saying at Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP): "It's All About You." This is true in everything we do for our members. We prioritize you and your career so you can find success at every turn. We provide resources like liability insurance, on- demand webinars, the ASCP SkinPro app, ASCP Career Toolkits with handy pay calculators, and a subscription to this very magazine you're reading right now. We want to make sure you thrive in skin care, just like you want your clients' skin (and confidence) to thrive. So, I ask you: Do you practice the same saying we do? When your clients are in your treatment room, how do you ensure their service is all about them? How do you go above and beyond so they're not only satisfied but also eager to return? This issue of ASCP Skin Deep helps you personalize every service and aspect of your business. Your clients want to feel like their skin needs are unique and that they're your top priority. On page 54, Dasha Saian Marchese discusses the JEN ANDERSON rise of hyper-personalization in the treatment room due to the emergence of devices using artificial intelligence and augmented reality. On page 62, learn how to transform lackluster treatments into experiences that integrate your clients' senses. If you're ready to personalize your brand further, flip to page 70 for a guide to white labeling so you can sell your own line of professional retail products. The personalization doesn't stop there. Throughout this issue, you'll find articles about topics that will help elevate your practice —from customizing aftercare plans (page 49) to filming, editing, and posting eye-catching video content for social media (page 45). Your client wants their experience to be something they remember long after they leave you. At the end of the day, it's all about them: listening to their concerns, understanding their skin's needs, lifting their confidence, and empowering them with the right knowledge and products. Keep focusing on them so we can focus on empowering you, like we always have and always will. Hale and Hush Stainless Steel Gua Sha Tool I'm a puffy-faced girl. I like to pair this tool with my face oil of the moment and gently glide to drain my lymph nodes. This specific tool is great because it's stainless steel and less porous than stone versions. Naturopathica White Tea Antioxidant Mask The first time my esthetician used this mask on me, I knew it was going to become a staple. The mask melts into the skin and hydrates without feeling too heavy. I slather it on, relax for 15 minutes, and emerge feeling better. Skin Script Ageless Lip Treatment I live in a state that's always dry, so my lips experience a fair bit of chapping. As a final step to my nighttime routine, this treatment primes my lips for sleep. The formula also contains peptides and antioxidants to repair any damage already done. Jen's Personalized Routine On Friday nights, I like to add more layers and customize my skin care routine to how I'm feeling after the work week. Here are my favorite add-ons: FROM THE EDITOR Jen Anderson, Editor @ editedbyjen @ ascpskincare

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