Jen Anderson, Editor
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New Skills in the New Year
Growing up, I was the kind of child who would write the
loftiest New Year's resolutions. Etched in the pages of
my purple diary, I would vow to become a new person,
a seemingly better person than the one I was the past
year. Looking back, I never needed to start over. I needed
to simplify my resolutions and improve on the skills I
already had established. But try telling that to a 10-year-
old perfectionist! This year, I challenge you to make
small adjustments rather than "wiping the slate clean"
and taking away all the hard work you did in 2022.
First up: Let's add to your skills as a professional
communicator. You already know your communication
skills matter. But you can always learn more. Check out
page 38 for tips on nailing your consultations with new
(and existing) clients, then ip to page 64 for advice on
helping clients curate their at-home routines with skin
cycling in mind.
Next, enhance your approach to speci c clients in your
book. On page 50, Spring Weaver breaks down everything
you need to know about treating prenatal clientele: what
to avoid using, which treatments bene t their changing
bodies, and how you can provide them with the extra TLC
they need. Then, check out "Can Positive Thinking Lead
to Reduced Stress in Skin Care Clients?" on page 60 to nd
out about the use of Insight Cards with clients who feel
particularly stressed between appointments.
Finally, focus on how you can cut through the constant
dialogue to better your nonverbal communication. "Body
Language Speaks Volumes" (page 70) discusses how the
small details in your hand gestures, facial expressions,
body movements, and more can change how clients
perceive you—and how you understand them.
This year has the potential to be a great one, but you
can't get there if you're trying to be a new person. Instead,
let's work on being the best version of you there already is.
P.S. The 2023
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