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New member benefit! Get the ASCP SkinPro app at 45 INGREDIENT DECK Cruelty-Free, Vegan, Kosher, and Halal How do these growing skin care markets align? by Ella Cressman BEING CERTIFIED MEANS TO BE "offi cially recognized as possessing certain qualifi cations or meeting certain standards." 1 Consumers are very familiar with the term, and often look for products labeled with specifi c certifi cations because they trust the products have been vetted to meet a standard. That standard can be based on personal, moral, or religious principles. For example, there has long been a demand for manufactured goods that are made without animal testing (or harming animals in general) and now, we look for personal care products that display "certifi ed cruelty-free." Unfortunately, it is not enough to just have a (well-intended) statement on product packaging. Consumers tend to look for certifi ed PETA or Leaping Bunny badges. Why? Because they know these organizations have completed thorough reviews of every formulation and every ingredient to grant the honor of "certifi ed." The same is true for vegan products. It is not enough to claim a skin care product is "vegan." Without a certifi cation, there's no proof that the squalene in your vegan eye cream came from sugar cane rather than shark fi n. So, what do cruelty-free and vegan have in common with kosher and halal certifi cations in the skin care industry? KOSHER SKIN CARE Kosher, from the Hebrew word meaning "pure" or "fi t," is known as a set of dietary laws followed by the Jewish faith. It is based on a Jewish commandment, Tza'ar ba'alei Chayim— literally meaning "suff ering of living creatures"—that bans causing animals unnecessary suff ering. Keeping kosher includes avoiding causing harm to oneself. In personal care, this includes avoiding harmful ingredients, as well as products that have been tested on animals. Skin care products that are certifi ed as kosher have been meticulously inspected to ensure the products, ingredients, and facilities are kosher. The sourcing of raw ingredients is traced and deemed acceptable. Some