ASCP Skin Deep


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58 ASCP Skin Deep March/April 2021 R osacea is a chronic and progressive disorder impacting an estimated 45 million people globally. Despite its pervasiveness, rosacea remains one of the most misunderstood inŠammatory skin diseases. Why? Primarily because it has many signs and symptoms that could easily be linked to other conditions such as acne, sensitive skin, eczema, dermatitis, or psoriasis. Adding to the confusion, rosacea is often accompanied by another skin disorder. In fact, according to the National Rosacea Society, 77 percent of individuals with rosacea were simultaneously diagnosed with another skin condition. This makes proper diagnosis critical to rebuilding and strengthening rosacea skin. What are the signs? And when it is determined to be rosacea, how do you eŒectively treat it and begin to rebuild this compromised skin? Since every case of rosacea is diŒerent, treating it requires a customized approach. But the good news is, there are a few tried-and-true ingredients and treatments that can serve as a foundation for building an eŒective and individualized treatment for your client. IDENTIFYING THE SIGNS One of the most prevalent signs of rosacea is intermittent redness on the cheeks, nose, chin, RESCUE + REBUILD ROSACEA SKIN by Shannon Esau or forehead. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg—rosacea actually has three diŒerent stages, each with diŒerent signs and symptoms. The ‡rst stage will often manifest in the form of frequent blushing or Šushing as skin becomes irritated by certain topicals, acne medications, chemical-based sunscreens, and improper care and protection. The second stage appears as a continuous reddening of the skin. Expanded surface capillaries and papules or pustules may also appear. The third stage is a deeper, more persistent redness often accompanied by dilated veins, particularly around the nose. An early sign is ‡broplasia (excess tissue growth), which may produce enlarged pores. There are many theories around what causes rosacea; however, much of the research points to internal issues such as a sluggish circulatory system, the inability to Šush bad bacteria from the body resulting in gut issues, emotional stress that aggravates the nervous system, and an excess of demodex mites. Rosacea is a systemic issue. It does not develop as a result of poor hygiene (although poor hygiene can exacerbate the problem). Common triggers that aggravate rosacea include spicy foods, alcohol, extreme temperatures, certain cosmetics, stress, and sunlight, as well as drugs or medications that dilate blood vessels. Educate clients

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