ASCP Skin Deep

COVID 2020

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for the latest info, visit 39 a network of invaluable—and free—word-of-mouth marketing. I recognize that these relationships were formed not just because of the service I provided, but also through the personal bonds we built. Though many of us are currently in mandated isolation, we are not alone in our fears and insecurities. We cannot reach out and touch our clients' faces, but we can touch their hearts. A personal phone call allows for human connection and also strengthens the unique personal bond you have with each of your clients. Check in with questions like "How are you holding up?" "How is your face holding up?" or "Is there anything I can do for you?" Many of my clients just want to talk or laugh (something I'm very good at), and many have said, "It is so good to hear your voice." When the social distancing restrictions lift and we can return to work, our clients will crave our services and unique personal touch. CONTINUED LEARNING The old adage goes, "An idle mind knows not what it wants," but you do. You know exactly what you want. You want to come out of this locked and loaded and ready to get back to work. In 2008, I took every free course I could. I even paid for classes that would advance my knowledge and expertise. Some classes were amazing, but some were painful examples of services or products I did not want to bring back to my business. I continued to add to my knowledge base, translating information to practical application and weaving everything I was learning into my service offerings. Now is an excellent time to strengthen your skills. There is a large library of tutorial videos for all ASCP members on a full range of subjects. Many brands and supply companies are offering free digital education. Reach out to your favorite company to see what they have to offer, or check into a product line you have been curious about. As you sharpen your mind, you can practice new skills on your isolation partners. Isolating alone? What a better testimonial than firsthand experience! SOCIAL MEDIA DISTANCING During the great recession, Myspace was king and social media wasn't nearly as much of a lifeline as it is now. Through those hard years, I noticed that when my negative thoughts were consuming me, I would lose money and opportunity. However, when I would lean into positive thinking and a positive mindset, I would gain appointments—or be blessed with some stroke of professional "luck." When you operate from a perspective of pessimism, you lose out on the opportunity to think creatively. Creativity breeds opportunity. Opportunity leads to success. We are now being bombarded with frenzy, despair, and uncertainty from the news. And our social media feeds are filled with negativity and, unfortunately, even hostility. It is OK to unplug and disconnect from your social media feeds for a few hours or even a day. Limiting news and non-business-related social media to 30 minutes twice a day will save you hours of fret and extra worry. And, c'mon, we need to save our faces. We can't afford the worry wrinkles right now! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF We are living through a lot of unknowns right now, and you can be certain things will be different when it's over as we find our "new normal." In the meantime, don't panic or wallow, but take advantage of the family time (or alone time), fall in love with home cooking, and make time to enjoy the sunshine—protected by your favorite SPF, of course. Make sure your mental health is in check, that you are getting enough exercise and sleep, and that your self-care game is on point. Use the next few weeks to refill your cup and get ready to reconnect with an optimistic mindset and a few new skills. We've got this! Esthetician Ella Cressman uses the lessons learned from the 2008 recession to keep her business going during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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