ASCP Skin Deep

MAY | JUNE 2019

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80 ascp skin deep may/june 2019 ASCP & you I AM ASCP YOU WERE A NURSE FOR MORE THAN 25 YEARS. WHAT PROMPTED THE CHANGE TO SKIN CARE? In the mid-1960s, I took a 2,500-hour cosmetology course that included facial technology. I received my esthetics license in 1969; however, in those days, the equipment and the products were not very sophisticated. KAREN KEADY NCEA-certified esthetician; owner, Essentials Skin Care, Sisters, OR ASCP Member Since 2006 In 1986, I graduated from nursing school and began work at a medical facility and for a dermatologist. I learned much about skin conditions, treatments, and skin analysis. I kept my esthetics license current, and when I retired from nursing at age 62, it seemed a natural progression to return to skin care. WHY DID YOU DECIDE OWNING YOUR OWN BUSINESS WAS THE RIGHT MOVE FOR YOU? Before diving into opening my own business, I took refresher courses and, through ASCP, discovered the NCEA certification process and passed a second board exam in Idaho. I had attended advanced skin care classes and was amazed at the great strides this industry had made in two decades. I also received my esthetics teaching license, so I felt well prepared to work for myself on my own terms. I wrote a business plan and a mission statement and continued with education to keep pace with the industry. WHAT'S THE MOST REWARDING PART OF BEING AN ESTHETICIAN? More clients are looking for natural, nontoxic ingredients in their products, yet they also demand treatments that offer results. My main product line is Eminence Organics. Educating clients on alternatives to chemical- laden and preservative-filled products is key to my business Not Ready to Retire At age 75, ASCP member Karen Keady still finds skin care fascinating success. Earning client trust, making physician referrals when needed, improving skin conditions, and providing wellness are all very rewarding. YOU TURN 75 THIS YEAR! DO YOU THINK YOU'LL EVER RETIRE? I will eventually cut down on the number of days I work. I hope to attend the esthetics convention in Las Vegas this year. If I feel that thrill when I walk into my salon each day, when I can provide customized treatments, and continue to educate, I know I'm not ready to retire yet. Everything about skin care fascinates me. I also write occasional articles for our local newspaper on skin care. WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR YOUNG ESTIES IN THIS PROFESSION? It takes courage to succeed at anything. Hard work and a passion for what you're doing are crucial. I encourage young estheticians to raise the bar on our profession by becoming NCEA certified. Attend as many trade shows and advanced classes as possible to elevate your skill level. Work in an environment with a good mentor. Listen to your client. Keep pace with technology. Learn about the equipment available to you. And know what your products and their ingredients can offer. Helping a client achieve healthy, radiant skin is an achievable and worthwhile goal.

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