ASCP Skin Deep

MAY | JUNE 2019

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ascp now offers advanced modality insurance! 77 ASCP & you ASCP INFLUENCERS Meet Sheri Flasch as s oc i a t e d s k i n c a r e p r o f e s s i o n a l s ASCP INFLUENCERS Sheri Flasch is the founder and CEO of Esthetician Connection. She's also a master esthetician, CIDESCO Diplomate, professional educator, marketing consultant, and national speaker. In addition to developing and teaching various esthetic techniques and protocols, she has served as a teacher and mentor to thousands of estheticians and other skin care professionals all over the world. Q. How did Esthetician Connection come to be? A. In 2015, in an eff ort to provide support and resources to as many other estheticians as possible, I took my passion for esthetics, my tenacity for cross-marketing, and three decades of esthetic experience and created Esthetician Connection (EC). EC is quickly becoming the go-to resource for thousands of estheticians for advice and product knowledge. They get to share ideas, ask questions, learn new protocols, and take advantage of exclusive opportunities provided by some of their favorite skin care brands. Q. EC has an engaged Facebook following. To what do you attribute that success? A. In short, I would say honesty, passion, perspective, and tenacity. I am honest with my beliefs and take time to think seriously about what I post and promote. I attribute the high engagement rate to estheticians feeling my sincere passion for our industry. Everyone needs perspective. I take my chosen career path seriously, but there is no reason we can't have fun doing it. I like to have fun and do some whimsical things on the page to keep the levity balanced. As far as tenacity, anyone will tell you I can be quite driven, and I admit I struggle daily with work-life balance because I do love what I do and want to help as many estheticians as I can. Q. What's next for you and EC? A. The long-term plan is big, but the fi rst step is our exciting new website that launched in March. The site is a huge resource that allows estheticians to learn about educational opportunities, professional products and devices, industry events and trade shows, and wonderful insurance companies like ASCP! ASCP Infl uencers honors and promotes the experts, product manufacturers, and educators who shape our profession.

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