ASCP Skin Deep


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Page 41 of 84 39 expertadvice REPLENISH Sleep is crucial to your overall well-being. Unlike exercise, sleep isn't optional; our dependence on it has been programmed into the fi bers of our DNA, and both our bodies and brains crave sleep the way we crave food and water. But unlike eating, there is no fast-food approach to satisfying your body's much-needed sleep requirement. Occasional catnaps might curb your fatigue for a short time, but a commitment to good sleep health requires a much larger investment. IF YOU DON'T SNOOZE, YOU LOSE Just like a vehicle needs fuel, your body needs sleep. Without it, human beings would stutter to a halt and cease to function. Although every individual has diff erent needs, the American Sleep Smart The ABCs of catching some Zs by Lynn Parentini When we picture a healthy lifestyle, most of us think of exercise: action, motion, running, jumping, lifting weights, or bicycling. Our goal is to break a sweat, get our heart rate up, and burn calories as fast as we can. Many people don't realize, however, that one of the most vital elements of our health regimen should be performed while lying down and exerting no effort at all. Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night for adults.1 Going without this amount of rest increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and other serious ailments. It can also cause premature skin aging and lessen the skin's ability to fi ght off the harmful eff ects of sun exposure and other environmental dangers.2 While the healing powers of sleep are numerous, they can be summed up in one simple way: shutting down your brain for seven hours is the same as closing a shopping mall for the evening. While the lights are out and everything's quiet, mall management cleans up messes, restocks shelves, and prepares the venue for another day of brisk activity. The human brain assumes that

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