ASCP Skin Deep

MAY | JUNE 2017

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Page 51 of 76 49 The 21st century has ushered in a multitude of technological skin care advances in the form of peels, laser treatments, and cutting-edge ingredients, but as Confucius said, "Study the past if you would define the future." In that light, everyone involved in esthetic care should become familiar with the history of beauty treatments and how they have evolved over the years. This information can help estheticians create their own vision for the future. The QUEST for BEAUTY T The 21st century has ushered in a multitude T The 21st century has ushered in a multitude of technological skin care advances in the form T of technological skin care advances in the form of peels, laser treatments, and cutting-edge T of peels, laser treatments, and cutting-edge ingredients, but as Confucius said, "Study the T ingredients, but as Confucius said, "Study the From applying mercury, lead, and lark droppings to "hope in a jar" miracle creams, the quest for beautiful skin is as old as civilization itself by Lydia Sarfati

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