ASCP Skin Deep

MAY | JUNE 2021

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With The Facial Guardian, you can use all your tools and implements in a protected and spacious area! Go to to order and learn more. Engineered barrier between you and your client Flex payments of $99 for 3 months (not available with ASCP Discount) For the work of estheticians and massage therapists ASCP members log on to to access your discount code. INFLUENCERS What's new in the industry that estheticians should know about? COLORADO BESTHETICIANS Ella Cressman, manager Virtual consultations! It's not exactly completely new, but it's definitely something we have been forced to master in the last year. Consultations—virtual or in-person—are one of the most important parts of our services, yet they're not always practiced to their potential. Both initial and follow-up consultations allow time to set and solidify a foundational relationship with your clients. This is where trust is built, in both setting treatment paths and recommending home care. As 2020 so gracefully reminded many of us, retail sales are a huge part of the formula for sustainable success. TRUE U EDUCATION Adriana Babani, executive business/ education development manager I'm always surprised and intrigued with how the esthetic industry constantly evolves. I often wonder if I can really learn anything more. The answer is yes! One thing I know for sure is that I want to grow with the industry. I believe 2020 has made many estheticians—or anyone in the esthetic industry—rethink how to run their businesses. We have been inspired to learn how to do continuing education, virtual consultations, and marketing. Some newer technologies and trends to look out for are dermal infusions, salt facials, oxygen/ultrasound, and brow laminations.

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