ASCP Skin Deep

MAY | JUNE 2021

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58 ASCP Skin Deep May/June 2021 N ow is a great time to step back, regroup, and create a map to success as we continue traversing our way back from COVID-19. While waiting for things to get back to "normal," consider using this time to think about what you love about being an esty, what you want from your business, and how you can increase your chances for success. To help, we gathered tips from experts in the esthetics field. BE PASSIONATE According to Annet King, VP business development at Bio- Therapeutic, having a passion for esthetics is one thing, but "you must really, really like people!" And you must love all of them. "For your clients to love and be loyal to you," King says, "you have to really love them back, and show them how much you appreciate them." King also says you have to "love skin and be very passionate about caring for it. Skin services and retailing skin care products form the foundation of what we do and provide the most revenue opportunity." Use these expert tips and up your spa game by Lisa Bakewell Want to Be a Great Esthetician?

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