ASCP Skin Deep

COVID 2020

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for the latest info, visit 41 Having to temporarily close your doors and practice social distancing can feel like an isolating time, but you can still connect with your clients. By using social media platforms, blog posts, and other online resources offered through ASCP, you can stay in the forefront of your clients' minds and keep your business running. When you choose to communicate with your clients online, your opportunities— and your responsibilities—increase. Some of the ways we communicate online are highly public—Facebook and Instagram, for instance. Be sure you are maintaining your clients' privacy as well as your own professional image. Here are just a few ASCP resources and tips to boost your online presence and continue some business practices. FINE LINES MAGAZINE This digital magazine is designed for the skin-savvy consumer. Reinforce the benefits of professional skin care treatments and products all while marketing your business! Fine Lines magazine features a variety of professional skin care topics as well as tips for healthy living. Your readers will develop a better understanding of esthetics and be inspired to book their next appointment. The Fine Lines philosophy considers professional skin care an integral facet of a healthy lifestyle, not just an indulgence. This is a message worth sharing with your clients. Click here to share Fine Lines magazine with your clients. SOCIAL MEDIA MEMES Memes and social media go hand in hand and are about connecting with people online. Social media is your platform and memes are a way to express yourself, present an idea, or share some knowledge in a creative way. Click here to check out (and help yourself to) ASCP's social media memes to boost your online presence and stay connected with your client base. ASCP MARKETING BUNDLES ASCP's marketing bundles provide customized, branded materials, including post cards, gift cards, social media cover photos, loyalty reward cards, and so much more. Take this opportunity to up your media presence with branded materials and promote future appointments. A great way to continue driving revenue is by selling gift cards for future appointments. Click here to see our marketing bundles, free to ASCP members! THINGS YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW • While you may not be able to see your clients in person, you can offer virtual consultations via Skype or another web- based platform. Offer your clients the opportunity to book an online consultation followed by an appointment for the future. Offer this web-based consultation service with the purchase of a gift card. • Share a "product of the week" on your social media platform and offer retail promotions. Product sales can still occur and be shipped directly to your clients' homes. • Put together a home regimen/facial protocol and ship or drop off an accompanying retail package. This home treatment could consist of products intended to prep the skin for a more advanced service performed by you in the future. For up-to-date information and resources, please check out our blog, "Coronavirus and Your Practice."

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